The College of Arts and Sciences
and the Campaign for Carolina
More than 37,000 alumni and generous friends of the College of Arts and Sciences committed $764 million for the College’s 17,000 undergraduate students, some 2,300 graduate students, world-renowned faculty and researchers, and the 43 academic departments and curricula that they call home. We invite you to explore the stories behind the numbers.

Changing Life Trajectories
The Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship empowers students to turn ideas and inspiration into action and thanks to the transformational support of the Shuford family, this undergraduate entrepreneurship program has doubled in size.

A Plan and a Partnership
John and Marree Townsend’s commitments to UNC-Chapel Hill over the years have been both plentiful and purposeful — and none more so than their gift to the College of Arts and Sciences to establish the Townsend Family Strategic Initiatives Fund.

Preparing the Future Scientists of Tomorrow
“A lot of students of color and minorities in STEM can slip through the cracks,” Paloma Ruiz ’22 said. “More than anything, I think the Chancellor’s Science Scholars shows students like me that we belong in science, and we deserve to be here.”
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Preparing the Future Scientists of Tomorrow
“A lot of students of color and minorities in STEM can slip through the cracks,” Paloma Ruiz ’22 said. “More than anything, I think the Chancellor’s Science Scholars shows students like me that we belong in science, and we deserve to be here.”
Modern Jewish History Through Student Travel
In 2021, Oskar Czendze, a Ph.D. candidate in history, received an award from the Frances Carol Eizenstat Travel Fund to conduct research in Poland and Ukraine.
Endowed Deanship Drives College Forward
A gift from Vicki ’92 and David Craver ’92 will provide a lasting endowment that will give deans of the College unrestricted support as they advance scholarship, discovery and strategic priorities aimed at the College’s core mission.
Institute for Convergent Science. Ready. Set. Go.
The Edwards Family Fund for Excellence in Convergent Science was created by Rob ’89 and his wife, Leigh Edwards ’90, to help provide valuable startup resources for the Institute for Convergent Science. This funding helps to move ideas from basic research into transformative applications for society.
Investing in Faculty, Students and Programs Through Leadership and Philanthropy
“We are committed to the idea of exposing students to the work of free-market thinkers; and the PPE Program, by its very nature, does this well, while also exposing students to the critics of, and alternatives to, free markets,” said the Langmans. “This is an incredibly enriching program at Carolina
The Center for the Study of the American South and the Power of Undergraduate Research
Britney Hong ’24, an American studies and human development and family science double major, received support from the Ferris Undergraduate Research Fund and worked with the Southern Oral History Program in spring 2022.
Treating Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans
The Matthew Gfeller Center launched a new initiative to make treatment for traumatic brain injuries more accessible for military veterans in and around North Carolina, thanks to a $12.5 million investment from the Avalon Action Alliance.
Geological Sciences Faculty Benefit from Former Graduate Student’s Gifts
Elijah White, M.S. ’84, gives annually to both the Dr. John M. Dennison Faculty Excellence Fund in Geological Sciences and the Arts and Sciences Fund.
To learn more about the College of Arts and Sciences and opportunities to support students, faculty and programs, please visit our website, call 919-962-0108 or email asf@unc.edu.