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A Letter from Anne CollinsJoy is a word that comes to mind when reflecting on the College of Arts and Sciences and the Campaign for Carolina. Every gift in the campaign makes a positive difference, and the ripple effect is only beginning to be felt. As members of the Arts and Sciences Foundation team, my colleagues and I have the privilege of seeing the joy that surrounds philanthropy. We experience joy in our work with donors, matching their philanthropic passions and goals with real needs in the College. We see the joy that donors feel when making gifts of all sizes to support students, faculty, programs, departments, centers and initiatives they love. We see the joy that philanthropic support brings to the students, faculty, department chairs and leaders across the College whose dreams become a reality because of new gifts. We also experience joy in sharing updates on the impact of philanthropy each year through our stewardship reports, enabling donors to see the positive impact of their gifts over time. There is joy in giving, receiving and achieving goals together.

By coming together, we have made a meaningful and lasting mark and helped secure a bright future for people and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences. It has been incredible to work alongside such dedicated and inspiring donors, colleagues, students and faculty to realize the full potential of the Campaign for Carolina for the College of Arts and Sciences.

Thank you for your vision, commitment, encouragement and passion.

Anne H.C. Collins

Anne H.C. Collins
Senior Associate Dean and Executive Director
The Arts and Sciences Foundation